Southland Boys’ High School has a firm focus on its core business – education. Underpinned by the New Zealand Curriculum, we share a vision to grow lifelong learners, who are reflective, develop the skills to be adaptable and have a strong sense of self-belief.
Year 7 and 8
Year 7 and 8 students are placed in mixed ability classes, with teachers who have strengths in the teaching of reading, spoken language, writing and numeracy, and who can use information technology to enhance learning.
Our key focus is numeracy and literacy. We strongly believe that these skills will prepare students to adequately access the curriculum in their senior NCEA studies.
Year 9 and 10
The second stage of the secondary experience happens in Years 9 and 10. Here our focus shifts to more direct assistance learning. Our boys are placed into class hubs – one class with 5 core subject teachers, who work together to ensure the group and each individual are supported to excel. The teachers then focus on preparing not only classes, but individual students for NCEA.
Year 11, 12 and 13
The senior years represent the culmination of their secondary school experience, where they can pool the knowledge and talents they have crafted with us and use it to find meaningful direction for their lives after graduation.
Southland Boys’ High School has a fine history of achievement in Level 1, 2 and 3 NCEA, and when it is your turn, we will ensure that you are given the best opportunity to succeed.