A traditional school with a contemporary heart

Welcome Pōwhiri

On Friday 10 February we held a Pōwhiri, welcoming all new staff and students to Southland Boys' High School.

Led by Ms Loretta Schmidt, the new students, staff and parents were welcomed into the gym. Once the formal stages of the Pōwhiri were complete, the new students were then surrounded by their brothers, and a school haka was performed. This was followed by a morning tea in the staff room for all new families and staff.

A Pōwhiri usually consists of the following stages:

  • Karanga (call) - the first and unique call of welcome in the pōwhiri
  • Whaikōrero (speeches) - formal speech making follows the karanga
  • Waiata (song)
  • Koha (gift)
  • Harirū (shake hands and hongi)
  • Kai (food)

Following the Pōwhiri, our Head Boy Ruairidh MacCallum was presented with the school flag. Ruairidh then raised the first flag of 2023 accompanied by Deputies Matthew Smith and Nick Brown.

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