A traditional school with a contemporary heart

Bronze Award for Dimensions

Dimensions were awarded a Bronze medal at the recently held New Zealand Choral Federation's Big Sing Cadenza.

Dimensions recently attended the New Zealand Choral Federation's Big Sing Cadenza - a competition featuring the top 12 choirs from the South Island. 

Having had a late call up, preparation time was short, but the choir had huge support with their fundraising efforts. Thanks in particular to the ILT, the Dinner for Scott, the Southland Branch of the NZCF, and the many people who supported the Helping Hands and Rakiura Stewart Island Getaway fundraisers.

At the competition, Dimensions performed two recitals in front of around 200 other choir members from across the South Island and worked with internationally renowned choral conductor Dr Andrew Withington. Their first presentation of A Sacred Heart Hymn (Awe Maria) and Duct Tape were met with thunderous applause and the first standing ovation of the competition. On Saturday morning, their second recital featured a more serious tone, singing In Meeting We Are Blessed and Tell My Father, featuring Head Boy Ruairidh MacCallum as a soloist.

Saturday evening brought the Gala Concert, and to everyone’s delight, the adjudicator selected Duct Tape as Dimensions' featured song – once again, a great response from the capacity audience.

The competition features grading, rather than ranking, and for their efforts Dimensions were presented with a Wharouroa award (the Cadenza’s equivalent of a Bronze grading).

Dimensions achievements in being selected for the South Island Cadenza for the second time in two years of competing are extraordinary. Congratulations to the students involved, and many thanks to Mrs Mary Chittenden who accompanied the boys on the trip.

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