A traditional school with a contemporary heart

Cultural Competition Champions

Congratulations to Grant House, who won the Cultural Competition last Friday with a powerful performance. Pictured is Grant House Captain Sakaria Peseta, with the taonga he donated to the school as a prize for the competition - and then won! (The full story of this extraordinary taonga is below). 

As part of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week, each House had to perform the school haka, toia mai (haka powhiri), and the school song. The Houses have been practicing all term, and put heart and soul into their incredible performances. It was a privilege to watch. Congratulations to you all for taking part. 

The beautiful carved taonga presented to the winning House was donated by Sakaria Peseta. Called 'Talavalu' (War Club), it was donated by Sakaria's parents when he went home to Samoa to receive his traditional tattoo. It was blessed through the Southland Boys' High School polyfest performance, when Sakaria used it for the taualuga dance. This blessing made Talavalu ready to be used for the cultural competition. It is an honour for Southland Boys' High School to be the custodian of this unique and special taonga. Thank you Sakaria.

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